seasonal abundance of the Egyptian mealybug, Icerya aegyptiaca (Douglas) and the relation between the population activity, weather factors were studied during 2014 season on the ornamental trees Ficus virens Ait at Cairo and Giza Governorates. At El-Mireland Garden, Cairo Governorate data indicated that the total stages of the Egyptian mealybug have two activity generations; the first one with highest number occurred at the beginning of May while the 2nd generation occurred in early October. On the other hand, the nymphs also have two activity infestation periods, the 1stactivity infestation period with highest number in early May and the 2nd infestation period was in early October. Also, the non-ovipositing females have two activity infestation periods, the 1st one occurred in early June and the 2nd was the mid of October. Finally, the ovipositing females start to appear in early of January and increased gradually to make one activity infestation period with the highest number in the mid of June and the second infestation period in the mid of November. Statistical analysis shows that the simple correlation and simple regression between the maximum, minimum temperature and relative humidity with the monthly mean of total population, nymphal stages, ovipositing females and non-ovipositing females of I. aegyptiaca ranged between significant and highly significant at Cairo Governorate. The same trend was observed in El-Orman Garden, Giza Governorate. Generally the infestation of the Egyptian mealybug in El-Orman Garden, more than El- Mireland Garden, during successive season (2014).