MOHAMED, S., EL-ADLY, H., EISSA, A. (2003). EVALUATION OF SOME EGYPTIAN COTTON GENOTYPES UNDER DIFFERENT ENVIRONMENTS. Egyptian Journal of Agricultural Research, 81(4), 1797-1816. doi: 10.21608/ejar.2003.298673
SOLTAN A. S. MOHAMED; HASSAN H. EL-ADLY; ANWAR E. M. EISSA. "EVALUATION OF SOME EGYPTIAN COTTON GENOTYPES UNDER DIFFERENT ENVIRONMENTS". Egyptian Journal of Agricultural Research, 81, 4, 2003, 1797-1816. doi: 10.21608/ejar.2003.298673
MOHAMED, S., EL-ADLY, H., EISSA, A. (2003). 'EVALUATION OF SOME EGYPTIAN COTTON GENOTYPES UNDER DIFFERENT ENVIRONMENTS', Egyptian Journal of Agricultural Research, 81(4), pp. 1797-1816. doi: 10.21608/ejar.2003.298673
MOHAMED, S., EL-ADLY, H., EISSA, A. EVALUATION OF SOME EGYPTIAN COTTON GENOTYPES UNDER DIFFERENT ENVIRONMENTS. Egyptian Journal of Agricultural Research, 2003; 81(4): 1797-1816. doi: 10.21608/ejar.2003.298673
Cotton Research Institute, Agricultural Research center, Giza, Egypt
Comparative studies for thirty-nine genotypes descending from eighteen crosses and three check varieties Giza90, Giza83 and Giza80 were included in Trial A at Seds Agricultural experiment station in 2002 season, whereas the advanced genotypes (21 genotypes) descending from 13 crosses and the three check varieties were grown in Trial B at six different locations in Middle and Upper Egypt in the same season. The results obtained from Trial A showed that only two crosses exceeded the check varieties Giza90, Giza83 and Giza80 in both yield and its contributing variables. These crosses were [(Giza83 x Giza80) x Giza89] and (Giza85 x Giza83). While three crosses were promising as regard to their performance for yield and its contributing variables in Trial B. These crosses were [(Giza83 x Giza80) x Giza89], [(Giza83 x Giza80) x Giza75] and the cross [Giza83 x (Giza75 x 5844)]. High heritability estimates in the broad sense were recorded for most traits in trial A indicating that phenotypic selection for these traits could be highly effective. The relatively low and moderate heritability values estimated in broad sense for boll weight, seed cotton yield and lint cotton yield in trail B were verified by the presence of significant, genotypes x locations interaction and suggested that such material should be evaluated for a number of years at different locations. Generally, it can be concluded from the results in Trials A and B that the cross [(Giza83 x Giza80) x Giza89] has shown to be promising cross due to its performance for yield components and fiber quality than other crosses.